Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Pineda takes the Hill : VELO Talk Needs to Stop

Michael Pineda takes the mound again tonight.  Right now it's projected that DJ, Swish, and Cano will also be in the lineup after returning from minor injuries.  Fairly standard day in Yankee land with the exception of all the talk about Pineda's lost VELO.  what. the. hell. is velo? Yankees geek writers are really hammering this term home right now and it needs to stop this very moment before it proliferates.  I dont get it.  Does it hurt to type 'city'?  Are the extra four letters really causing carpel tunnel?  VELO is the worst shortening of a sports term I've heard in a while.  Write the damn word people.  And for the love of all things baseball never use it in spoken tongue again.  Now that we have that out of the way, lets hope Pineda lights up the Pirates tonight and we maybe get a cameo of good ol' AJ in a eye patch.  That would be a good day.

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