Wednesday, May 2, 2012

QB2 Carboard Cutout Taken to Prom

Nice try toots.  No way this girl didn't see the $1 million bounty on QB2's virginity.  This has to be, to date, the best effort to get the attention of the backup QB.  Obviously, since Ashley Madison has ruined QB2's chances of ever having a normal relationship with the bounty on lil QB2, we're going to see quite a few stunts like this one.  Personally, I think the cardboard version is much better.  No religion talk, not trying to convert me into a born again, no sermons, no prayers before crappy prom food.  Sounds like a real winner.  No Way QB2 is a good dancer either.  If I had to choose, I'm going cardboard QB2 any day of the week.  No brainer.

Gotta feel bad for the dude who got turned down by this girl for her little cardboard cutout stunt.  She'd rather take a cardboard virgin over an actual normal HS virgin.  That kid is messed up for life.

Also, somewhere, teenager hookup king and pathetic playboy Mark Sanchez is definitely pissed about this - in the most twisted, deranged way possible.

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