Friday, April 13, 2012

Bronx Baseball at Last

At last, the home opener.  A 1:05 game in the Bronx finally signals the start of spring in my book.  The bars under the subway will no doubt be rocking by 11AM.  The smell of hotdogs and street meat will take over by noon.  Foul language, and a sea of Navy Blue and White will take over by 12:30, and as an added bonus, we'll get to see Jorge throw out the first pitch.  Today, is the day the real season begins.  If only David Wells were in the bleachers with Bald Vinny leading the roll call and a couple HIP HIP JORGE chants.

I was fortunate enough to get to 6 or 7 consecutive opening day games growing up.  Thought I was the man for getting yanked from school to go see the Yanks.  Was all like 'Sorry guys, have fun writing cursive letters 1000 times, I'm gonna go get Derek Jeter's autograph and watch this dynasty kick off another season.'  Total second grade boss status.  I'm also  pretty sure they started bolting down the red, white and blue buntings around the stadium because my parents have about 3 of them in the basement back home.  I'll never forget seeing Andy Pettite pitch in the snow.  The stadium is rocking the whole time.  You hardly ever sit down, and the electricity in the air is intense. 

So, fellow cubicle monkeys, working drones, and slaves of Manhattan.  Fire up your back-up internet browser, make sure ESPN GameCast is accessible, and turn your trading floor TVs to the Yankees.  Nobody cares what the market does on Friday from 1-4 anyway.  The Red Sox are 1-5, the sun is shining, the weekend is looming, and there's Yankee Baseball in the Bronx.  All is good in the world.

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